Additional Learning Needs
Ysgol Morgan Llwyd places a high priority on improving the abilities, achievements and contributions of all its pupils as well as raising their aspirations. We strongly believe in making provision for all learners irrespective of their ability, gender and race, in a happy and safe environment in which they can develop to their fullest potential both academically and socially. We acknowledge that there is a continuum of need and that pupils with additional learning needs (ALN) are entitled to a broad and balanced National Curriculum education. Ysgol Morgan Llwyd aims to integrate all pupils in every aspect of school life.
Around 23% of all learners in Wales have some form of additional learning needs (ALN.) A person with ALN:
• Has a learning difficulty or disability which means they need extra support.
• Finds it harder to learn than other children and young people of the same age.
The Additional Learning Needs and New Education Tribunal (Wales) Act will come into force from September 2021.
The main purpose of the New Code is to:
• Focus on the needs of learners from 0-25 years old.
• Ensure that all ALN pupils who require an Individual Development Plan have one.
• Contribute to a better collaboration between teachers, parents, pupils and agencies so that pupils’ needs are identified early, and the right support is put in place.
• Provide better support for children and ensure they have the best opportunities in life.
• Place pupils at the centre of the whole process and ensure that their voices are heard, and their views taken into account.
Aims of the ALN Department (Camau)
• It is essential that we give every pupil the opportunity to reach their true potential.
• Teaching assistants offer a range of support to ensure all pupils succeed.
• Every pupil has the right to a broad and balanced curriculum with full access to the National Curriculum where appropriate.
• To value all children and promote self-worth.
• To foster close relationships with parents/carers who play a very important role in their child's education.
Parent/Guardian Participation
It is important that Ysgol Morgan Llwyd works closely with parents/guardians of pupils with ALN and their views taken into account.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to give their views at all stages of the ALN process and meet with their named officer as appropriate.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to complete all documentation to ensure their views are taken into account.
As a department, the input of parents and guardians is key to the success of our pupils. We have an open-door policy. Please do not hesitate to phone or visit the school to discuss any concerns or progress. You can also email the SENCO: [email protected]
Support for Parents/Guardians
The Parent Partnership Service across Wrexham County Borough is provided by SNAP Cymru. SNAP Cymru has a wealth of experience, expertise and knowledge of working with families and other organisations. The service ensures that parents of children with additional learning needs have access to independent advice and guidance so that they can make appropriate and informed decisions.
The Parent Partnership Service is free to families and offers impartial and accurate information, advice and support.
Further information about SNAP Cymru can be found on their website: www.snapcymru.org
Parents, guardians and professionals can access the service in the following ways: E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.snapcymru.org/contact
Telephone: 0808 801 0608 (Monday - Friday 9.30am - 4.30pm)
For more information:
The Additional Learning Needs Drafft Code- Easy Read Version
Some pupils need a change the screen colour on their computer before they can do their school work.
Click HERE to learn how to change the settings on your device!