Religious Studies
Welcome to the Religious Education Department!
All pupils in years 7, 8 and 9 have the opportunity to study the subject by looking at the beliefs and practices of the major world religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Islam. We also give students the chance to consider life’s ‘Big Questions’ e.g. ‘How the World began?’ to ‘Is there a God?’ ac also discuss contemporary issues such as ‘When is it right to go to war?'
The Religious Education department has been very successful recently with 100% A*- A Level results, in addition to a 100% pass rate at GCSE 50% of those an A*- A grade. We as a department are very proud of the commitment shown by our students. While following the Religious Studies course there are opportunities to visit places of worship and attend specialist sessions in order to broaden understanding of the subject. Following GCSE and A Level courses gives pupils the opportunity to broaden their understanding of current issues in our society but also their understanding of world beliefs and cultures.
Pupils also have the opportunity to learn outside the classroom through visits to places of worship and by attending revision sessions with a subject specialist to broaden learners' understanding of the subject. Studying the course can lead to a wide range of career paths, from Teaching to the Police force, from Medicine to Journalism.