Physical Education
The Physical Education Department
The Physical Education Department at Ysgol Morgan Llwyd is a very ambitious, busy and enthusiastic department. We aim to prepare and teach lessons of the highest quality to ensure that all pupils are successful, and our extra-curricular timetable further develops these objectives at both regional and county level. All pupils are expected to bring the correct PE kit to all lessons, and if a pupil has a medical condition which means that they are unable to take part, this should be supported by a parental letter or medical certificate.
We are very fortunate to share our facilities with Morgan Llwyd Leisure Centre and therefore benefit from having a Sports Hall with a climbing wall, Gym with excellent gymnastics facilities, 3G Pitch, Playing Fields and Netball Courts. We also have a teaching room with an interactive whiteboard.
Key Stage 3
All learners in key stage 3 learning groups are grouped according to their ability. We offer a wide range of activities as shown below:
- Gymnastics
- Basketball
- Dance
- Fitness
- Football
- Adventurous Activities
- Rugby
- Mini Tennis
- Hockey
- Badminton
- Netball
- Athletics
- Cricket
- Rounders
All pupils are assessed at the beginning, during and end of each unit of work, and we track their development throughout their key stage 3 journey.
Key Stage 4
Year 10 and 11 pupils receive 1 statutory lesson per week. They follow similar work programs to those of key stage 3 pupils, however more emphasis is placed on leadership and coaching skills and the importance of enjoyment to ensure adherence to physical activity when they leave school.
GCSE, AS and A Level
Physical Education is also available as a GCSE, AS and A Level subject, with many pupils choosing to study the subject and indeed continue with their studies at College or University.
All staff members in the department work very hard to provide as many opportunities as possible for pupils. Clubs are held at lunchtime and after school, and we take part in numerous competitions. We also have a 5x60 officer who works in the department on a part time basis. The 5x60 clubs she has organized for the pupils are very popular, ensuring that the department is busy in between and during lessons.
We also organize trips for pupils who commit to the department's extra-curricular activities. We have visited Wimbledon, Sportcity in Manchester and have recently been on a skiing trip to Italy.