Welcome to the Music Department!
Every pupil in year 7, 8 and 9 will have the opportunity to study music for one lesson a week in key stage 3. The main aim is to engage, motivate and encourage students to develop their creative and musical skills to the full through a variety of practical activities which include performance, composition and improvisation and listening and evaluation of music. As part of the subject, all pupils have the opportunity to develop keyboard and performance skills as well as performing as a class or group ensemble with variety of instruments. Singing is also a skill that is nurtured in these activities. To support the effective development of skills in composing activities, the department has a music technology Suite with iMac workstaions; these provide an excellent opportunity for pupils to develop ICT skills through their study of composition usingf Garage Band and Sibelius software in their work.
In addition to key stage 3 lessons, the department is active throughout the year providing extra-curricular activities that develop pupils' ability to perform, to communicate and become self-confident individuals. As part of choir and parties, pupils are given the opportunity to perform at the Urdd Eisteddfod, Llangollen Eisteddfod, Musicals and concerts in the community. Pupils are given the opportunity to take part in activities regardless of their previous experiences in the primary sector.
In support of their musical development, there is an opportunity for all pupils to continue or to start an instrument / voice by undertaking lessons within the school by obtaining tuition online from Wrexham Co-operative Music Service. Attendance of additional lessons not only reinforces their learning and development in the subject at Key stage 3 but also supports their ability to study music further at GCSE level in year 10 and also as an A level in year 12/13.