Welcome to the History Department!
Every pupil in year 7, 8 and 9 will have the opportunity to study history, looking at various historical periods from the year 1000 to the present. Pupils will study different eras of history in Wales and the world, developing the subject’s key skills of inquiring, analysing, and communicating information and evidence. As with all of the humanity subjects, History provides opportunity to study people and develop our understanding of our heritage and roles as citizens of Wales and the world.
History is a very popular GCSE and A Level subject and gives pupils the opportunity to widen their understanding of the world around us. Again, the specification allows pupils to study various aspects of Welsh, British and international history.
Students can also learn outside the classroom through various educational visits such as the trip to Quarry Bank Mill to learn more about the industrial revolution; battle sites in France and Belgium to study the First World War and the USA to study American history. Studying History can lead to several careers, from journalism to the law; a career in education, politics or government.