Art & Design
Welcome to the Art Department
Art is taught to all pupils in years 7, 8 and 9 at Ysgol Morgan Llwyd. The course offers exciting opportunities and it is taught in accordance with the national curriculum. Learners are given the opportunity to produce work at school and develop their knowledge, understanding and creative skills. Learners are encouraged to:
- Develop their drawing skills
- Experiment with different mediums and materials including a variety of 2D and 3D work
- Analyse their own work as well as others
- Develop an understanding and appreciation of artists’ work.
General information
Year 7
Unit 1 – The Formal Elements of Art
Unit 2 – Welsh Ethos
Year 8
Unit 1 – Still Life
Unit 2 – Portrait
Year 9
A printing unit focusing on the theme of mechanical objects.
What can you do to help?
- Encourage your child to practice their drawing skills
- Purchase basic drawing equipment - drawing pencils, colouring pencils, glue, an eraser and a sharpener
- Ensure your child completes their homework tasks.
GCSEs and A levels
Art and Design
Art is a popular GCSE and A-level course. Both courses are busy, lively and interesting and expand on what pupils have done in KS3. Pupils are introduced to more advanced skills, processes and techniques, and they are also given the opportunity to develop their skills and ability to be independent learners and passionate young artists.
We also offer a very popular A-level Photography course. Pupils are given the opportunity to study the history of photography, composition, technological elements and the art of photography. During the first year, pupils create a work portfolio where they personally respond to a theme of their choice. In the second year, there are two units of work to complete where they expand their knowledge and have the ability and freedom to make mature and purposeful creative decisions as hardworking and independent students.